How to get popular on social media

     It is so amazing how the social media affect the action, thoughts, mindset and way of life of people. The social media is where so many people send more than 30 percent of their day. A day is not usually complete without checking blogs and social media accounts for daily news and gossips. They also give their opinions on various subject matters and also interact with other users.
I have stated three top tips to launch yourself.

   Your mum was right when she said that the principles she taught you back in the days will guide you in all you do. Your principles are simply your positive rules or laws of nature and conduct. Trust me you will really need it to run a wonderful social media account.


    This is what most social media users tend to forget. They forget that every individual that exist on earth has a uniquely different quality. All I’m saying is that you are specially unique with a different ability that can make you stand out in the midst of thousands. That is simply why one can successfully excel in an area where another is performing woefully. Feel free to depict your true self to the world. Let your uniqueness be felt by all; don’t try to display a fake you. Then you’ll see yourself achieving what you want to achieve.

"Once we believe in our selves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals human spirit.  -E. E Cummings

     Who said you are anti-social, who said you are damn too serious to run a social media account, who said you have nothing to offer…..
And you give all these negative remarks a second thought. Stop being negative. Negative thought is the sole assassin of dreams and aspirations. Learn to imbibe the knowledge of positivity, they your confidence level will be on the high side.

Dream big to live big.Why not get started


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